Guy Loando and CAFI for the continuation of the land use planning reform process in the DRC

Kinshasa, September 14th, 2021 (CPA).- The Minister of State in charge of Regional Planning, Guy Loando Mboyo, spoke on Monday, in his office, with the senior advisor at the secretariat of the Initiative for the forest of Central Africa (CAFI), Leslie Ouarzazi, and the technical adviser, Bruno Hugel, on the continuation of the process of the reform of the land use planning in the DRC, indicates a document of this ministry received Tuesday at the CPA desk. “We talked about the importance of reform and CAFI’s support for this reform; we also talked about the continuation of this support in the coming years because, the DRC and CAFI are negotiating the terms of a new partnership agreement and we hope to finish these negotiations in the coming weeks ”, declared Leslie Ouarzazi. at the end of the hearing.

The senior advisor of CAFI also reassured the Minister of State of the disbursement of an amount of three million USD, as the second tranche for the continuation of the reform, adding that they also raised the issue relating to the negotiations in course, for a new agreement between the DRC and CAFI. “We hope that the Fonaredd steering committee that Cafi finances will meet as planned by the end of September. This steering committee should approve the funding to support the reform, ”she concluded.

The land use planning reform process aims to provide the country with spatial planning tools and instruments, including the PNAT, SNAT and methodological guides, for the development of provincial and local land use plans, it is recalled. ACP/

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