Visit of the VPM Ève Bazaiba to the CorPPN facilities in Kinshasa

Kinshasa, August 7th, 2021 (CPA).- The Deputy Prime Minister (VPM) in charge of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Ève Bazaiba Masudi paid a visit to the facilities of the Corps for the Protection of National Parks and Reserves on Thursday Natural Related (CorPPN), located in the zoological and botanical gardens of Kinshasa. Ms. Bazaiba took this opportunity to recall the Congolese government’s policy in preserving biodiversity and protecting protected areas. For the VPM in charge of the environment, it is about raising the importance of Biodiversity in climate regulation in the world. VPM Eve Bazaiba underlined the importance of the fight against insecurity maintained by foreign and national armed groups active in certain national parks. « State authority will have to be re-established to allow better protection of these areas of nature reserves, » she stressed.

The CorPPN should benefit from substantial logistical support to ensure its missions and also be accountable effectively, pleaded the VPM Eve Bazaiba who pledged her involvement.

She took advantage of this visit to inspect the Botanical and Zoological Gardens of Kinshasa. These two areas of attraction are the object of the spoliation of their spaces by third parties beyond the lack of adequate infrastructure. Urgent and corrective measures will be taken not only to promote the development of these sites, but to ensure, according to the government’s vision, the expansion of green spaces, she insisted before welcoming the work done by the CorPPN and the ‘to encourage. ACP/

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