Artist-musician Dadju releases single « Le Dua »

Kinshasa, April 10th, 2021 (CPA). –The French singer, songwriter and performer of Congolese origin, Dadju Djuna Nsungula, launched on Thursday his new single entitled “Le Dua”, accompanied by a previously unseen clip released, the same day, on all platforms of online legal downloading and listening. This 2-minute title gives pride of place to the rules to be followed in order to succeed in artistic life without taking into account difficulties and competition, while allowing those close to them to benefit from this development. As a reminder, this artist who connects collaborations, already accumulating several hundred thousand views on You tube, released on March 26th the title « All or nothing » featuring the singer Ocvne, before unveiling on April 2, the single « Si on dire » having had the participation of the French artist Mat Pokora. Born on May 2nd, 1991 in Bobigny, France, Dadju Djuna Nsungula comes from a family of musicians whose father Djuna Djanana was a singer of the Isifi orchestra and of the group « Viva la Musica » of Papa Wemba, it is recalled.

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