Three days of activities organized by the NGO JEFIA

Kinshasa, June 19th, 2021 (CPA).- The Minister of Youth, Initiation to New Citizenship and National Cohesion Yves Bunkulu closed, Thursday at the Kinshasa International Fair (FIKIN), three days of action and solidarity organized by the NGO young girls in action (JEFIA) under the theme « Food Fair » to support vulnerable people, on the sidelines of World Hunger Day celebrated on June 15 each year.

Organized from June 15 to 17, the fourth edition of the « Stop Nzala » initiative aimed to provide a free meal to more than a thousand vulnerable people in Kinshasa. She took this opportunity to present the new project of the structure called « Malewa na biso » which will cover the 10 municipalities of the capital whose people targeted at heart meals remain the same.

While welcoming this activity and this new project, which is part of the Head of State’s program, that of eradicating hunger in the DRC. Minister Yves Bunkulu encouraged this structure and wants to get involved.

For her part, the provincial minister in charge of culture, art, communication and media, Yvette Inangoy underlined that agriculture remains the effective means to fight against hunger.

« No humanitarian aid, no state or non-state organization, no famine eradication program, no one can put an end to this scourge far from agriculture, » the minister said in substance.

The association Jeune fille en action has been leading the fight for promotion, female leadership and the fight against hunger in the DRC for 4 years.

For her part, Ms. Yvette Tabu, general commissioner in charge of culture, arts, media, communication and new technologies of the city of Kinshasa encouraged young girls and other participants to get into agriculture. But also, to support the various actions going in this direction because, she said, « agriculture is one of the obligatory ways to fight against hunger. »

Apart from this activity, the young girls plan to launch the “Malewa na Biso” project (public canteens) next December, which consists of placing a restaurant in the first 10 outlying districts of the city of Kinshasa. It will offer a full meal (breakfast, dinner and dinner) to children and other needy people for free for 6 months, then the different dishes will be at least US $ 1, Ms. Tabu concluded.

It should be remembered that the first edition of this activity took place in June 2018, the Stop Nzala campaign consisted in sharing a meal with the children of the AMEEMA orphanage, in the municipality of Kimbanseke, one of the peripheral municipalities of the city ​​of Kinshasa.

In 2019, the day of June 15 was celebrated with children living in family breakdown (street children) from several neighborhoods of the commune of Kalamu in Kinshasa. For its third edition, in 2020, the campaign took place on social media given the restrictive measures taken by the government to limit the spread of Covid-19 in the DRC. ACP/

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