Satisfied with the involvement of the Minister in charge of Communication in the funeral of Director General Ernest Kabila

Kinshasa, July 10th, 2021 (CPA).- The Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the Congolese National Radio Television (RTNC), Zéphyrin Mamoko welcomed the personal involvement of the Minister in charge of Communication and Media Patrick Muyaya in the organization of the funeral of the director general of this public media, Ernest Kabila, who died in early July in Kinshasa.

M Mamoko declared it to the CPA at N’Djili international airport, shortly before taking the plane that took the delegation of officials as well as that of the grieving family to the funeral of the illustrious disappeared in Lubumbashi, capital of the Haut-Katanga province.

The Minister of Communication and government spokesperson paid a compassionate visit to the family of the former director general of RTNC, before involving the governor of Haut-Katanga for the success of this mourning, he said. he points out.

His intervention, he added, was greeted by the family of the illustrious disappeared as well as by his professional family who lost for the first time a general manager in office.

All the arrangements had been made by the RTNC to accompany Ernest Kabila with dignity to his last home, he reassured.

The remains of the former director general of the public television channel will be buried in Lubumbashi as he had wished during his lifetime, the CPA learned from a family source. ACP/

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