The Head of State provides guidance on operations in the provinces under siege

Kinshasa, September 14th, 2021 (CPA).- The President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi Tshilombo, Supreme Commander of the FARDC and the PNC, instructed the government to provide the soldiers at the front with everything necessary to bring back the peace and security in the eastern part of the country, during a multisectoral security meeting that he chaired on Monday, at the City of the African Union.

The Minister of National Defense and Veterans Affairs, Gibert Kabanda, said in the report that this meeting aimed to provide the Supreme Authority with an update on the security meeting held previously, under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Sama. Lukonde, in relation to the progress and evolution of operations on the ground, in Ituri and North Kivu placed under a state of siege.

It was also, he continued, to report to the Head of State on operations and other logistical issues, in order to receive useful guidance from him.

The Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in charge of the Homeland r, the Minister of State in charge of the Budget, the Minister in charge of Finance, the Minister of Communication and Media, the Chief of Staff of the FARDC, the Commissioner General of the PNC, the military governors of North Kivu and Ituri, the Head of the Military House, the General Administrator of the ANR and the Director General of the DGM participated in this meeting.

An attitude of the members of the National Security Council The government for the success of operations

The Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, chaired Thursday, September 9th, 2021, a security meeting attended by the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the Interior and security, Daniel Aselo, the Minister of State for the Budget , Aimé Boji, Minister of Finance, Nicolas Kazadi, Minister of National Defense, Gilbert Kabanda and Minister of Communication and Media, Patrick Muyaya.

This high-level security meeting relating to the examination of the evolution of the operations of the state of siege and the various needs linked to its success, was also extended to the following personalities: the Deputy Minister of Justice, Mirindi Amango , the Deputy Minister in charge of Mines, Godard Motemona, the Chief of the General Staff of the FARDC, the General of the Army Célestin Mbala Munsense, the Commissioner General of the PNC, Dieudonné Amuri as well as the Military Governors of North Kivu and from Ituri, Constant Ndima Kongba and Johnny Luboya Nkashama.

The military governors, who came especially to provide the fresh elements of the field allowing the Government to better define the nature of the needs, were summoned to do this. « You know that we are guided by a triptych: military operations, awareness raising and demobilization, » Government spokesman Patrick Muyaya said in substance to underscore the importance of this meeting. ACP/

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