New provincial ministers take office of the Gentiny Ngobila government

Kinshasa, August 7th, 2021 (CPA). – The executive secretary of the provincial government of Kinshasa, André Ngasaki Bieme, chaired, Thursday, in the commune of Gombe, the handover and resumption ceremony between the incoming and outgoing provincial ministers, as well as the general commissioners, in accordance with the recent technical reorganization carried out by the governor of the city of Kinshasa, Gentiny Ngobila Mbaka. Mr. Ngasaki, in his speech in the presence of the provincial deputies, recommended to the new ministers and commissioners general to cultivate the spirit of teamwork, in cohesion, solidarity and to create an entourage of efficient and mature people who can help them. help with their tasks. For his part, the provincial Minister of the Interior, Security and Justice, Didier Tenge Te Litho informed the new members of the provincial government that the urban authority is counting on them in order to achieve its objectives, adding that «your work must be associated with results in favor of the Kinshasa population”. The outgoing provincial minister of public service, labor, employment and social welfare, Amous Mbokoso Kempay, now appointed to the Budget, plan, transport and communication channels has taken up the many challenges that plague this sector, but likely to be picked up thanks to a lot of willpower. It should be remembered that among the new ministers and the general commissioners of the government, there are notably Ms. Lisa Nemba Lemba, Marcel Mokili Ngansono, respectively ministers of public health, hygiene and prevention and in charge of Tourism, decentralization and customary affairs. In addition, Damien Nkufi Muzilungu is appointed Commissioner General in charge of Public Service, Employment and Social Security, Ms. Yvette Tabu Inangoy in charge of Culture, Arts, Media, Communication and Digital, Mr. Willy Pelenda in charge of Rural Development , hydraulic resources and hydrocarbons, as well as Ms. Yolande Elebe in charge of decentralized cooperation, Francophonie and government spokesperson. ACP/

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