The NGO « Tropenbos RDC » publishes a document on spatial planning in Kisangani

Kisangani, July 3rd, 2021 (CPA). – The NGO « Tropenbos RDC » has just published, at the request of the provincial government of Tshopo, a document on land use planning, with a view to strengthening the management of this province, in during a ceremony organized in the city of Kisangani, in the presence of the provincial minister in charge of the environment, Norbert Loluka Lolisambo.

Speaking, Norbert Loluka Lolisambo fully appreciated the work accomplished by the NGO « Tropenbos », indicating that this tool is an opportunity for the development of the province of Tshopo.

For his part, Prof. Alphonse Maindo, country director of “Tropenbos / RDC” said that this document is a field work, carried out across three (3) territories of the Tshopo including Bafwasende, Ubundu and Isangi, to serve reference tool for the management of a province.

This tool, he stressed, will make it possible to rationalize the choice of land use in order to reduce land conflicts, to establish a balance between development needs and forest conservation needs for the service. Environmental, etc.

Note that the cost of producing this document is estimated at more than at least 150,000 USD. ACP/NIG

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