Three erosive sites transformed into a diamond mine in Mbuji-Mayi

Mbuji-Mayi, June 19th, 2021 (CPA).- Three erosive sites located in Tubondo I II and Meta Mudiayi districts in Kanshi commune in Mbuji-Mayi, have been transformed by artisanal miners into a diamond mine, a report says collective of the heads of these entities addressed to the town hall, the municipality and to the security services.

According to this damning report, the diggers who no longer have easy access to the MIBA company polygon where they were operating clandestinely, continued

to the strengthening of the security system and the scarcity of high-grade diamondiferous gravels, are organizing teams that descend to about 15 meters deep at the risk of their lives.

This phenomenon threatens to destroy neighboring residential plots and constitutes a permanent danger for the inhabitants and in particular for children.

The heads of three neighborhoods are issuing a cry of alarm at the competent authorities to evacuate these diggers and thus reduce the danger of collapsing houses during the next rain. ACP/

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