Christian singer Jethro Muileu in an evening concert in Limete municipality

Kinshasa, April 21nd, 2021 (CPA).- The Christian singer, Jethro Muileu, delivered, on Tuesday evening, a concert marking the presentation of his new album called « Cohéritier » composed of six songs, in Limete municipality. During this performance, the artist enlivened the audience with the flagship song « Assured Victory » from the album, which aims to give Christians hope to believe in Jesus Christ, as a source of victory over all things.

He stressed that this moment of worship also aims to reactivate the life of prayer so that the promises are fulfilled in the Christian life, while asking the children of God to remain in regular spiritual activity and in the presence of the Lord Eternal. Christian singer Jethro Muileu took the opportunity to give thanks to God for his divine protection in view of the context of COVID-19 which spares no one, saying that the song « Victory assured » is available on all platforms online download. Several artists performed during this evening, in particular the brothers Alexis Kasongo and Daniel Kanyinda. Born in Kinshasa on June 12th, 1998, the Christian singer, Jethro Muileu, began playing music at an early age in his local Church called “Logos Tabernacle”, in the town of Limete. ACP/

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