Egyptian investors interested in Miluna SEZ reassured by Industry Ministry support

Kinshasa, June 19th, 2021 (CPA).– The Minister of Industry, Julien Paluku Kahongya, reassured Egyptian investors interested in the Miluna Special Economic Zone, located in Gwaka, Budjala territory in the province of Sud-Ubangi, government support through its ministry, the CPA learned from the ministry on Friday.

He reassured them of the fiscal, parafiscal and customs advantages offered by the SEZ / Miluna, without forgetting the imminent modernization of the port of Akula, on the Mongala river. This, he added, flows into the Congo River and constitutes a safe channel for the evacuation of products.

This delegation, which was led by the governor of the province of Sud-Ubangi, Jean-Claude Mabenze and made up of officials from the company « Miluna green center » as well as Egyptian investors interested in the Special Economic Zone (ZES), did with the minister of the said sector, an overview of the level of development of the SEZ / Miluna.

On the same occasion, the provincial governor Mabenze presented to the Minister of Industry, the Egyptian investors specialized in agribusiness, stressing that they are attracted by the potentialities abounding South-Ubangi.

According to Jean-Claude Hoolans, head of the company Miluna green center Gwaka, the province of Sud-Ubangi is essentially agricultural and very rich. « There is an opportunity with the products we have on site, to proceed with direct processing from the province with the help of Egyptian partners who have already visited the area.

Towards the installation of an additives production plant in the DRC

During the same day, the Minister of Industry conferred with the executive director of the company PHILIA, Jean-Philippe Amvame, on the possibility of installing an Additives production plant in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) , in order to improve both the quality and the quantity of the fuel thanks to the mixture which will also allow the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2).

“Thanks to the installation of this factory, the quantity of fuel imported by the DRC will increase. This will have positive consequences by helping to improve the quality of the product, for the performance of any engine, « said Jean-Philippe AMVAME, executive director of PHILIA.

The Minister in charge of Industry Julien Paluku indicated that a technical commission made up of experts from the ministries of Industry, Hydrocarbons and the Environment will be set up to thereby accelerate the execution of this project.

As a reminder, the PHILIA firm is based in Geneva, Switzerland, with subsidiaries in Singapore and Dubai. ACP/

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