Youth confident in the government’s ability to mobilize to boost the country’s development

Kinshasa, May 3rd, 2021 (CPA).– Congolese youth are confident in the capacity of Sama Lukonde government to boost the development of DRC, given the determination displayed by the various ministers who say they are committed to supporting the vision of the Head of State, said the coordinator of the non-profit organization “All for the emergence of DRC”, Jancy Konde, during an exchange on Friday with his collaborators in Matete municipality.

For Mr. Konde who took stock of the situation of the past, the country must turn the page to now look to the future with hope, regretting that young people have rushed into resourcefulness and yet they showed a clear desire to get out from the chasm. « I remind you that the Congolese State is the biggest entrepreneur who has sent children that we are to school.

« We have proven ourselves, we have our diplomas, our professional experiences and, it is not understandable that the competent young people that we are left on the sidelines », he lambasted, returning to the fact that DRC gave young people training, skills and intelligence through education.

“We must at all costs actively participate in the recovery of the country. I believe that here, it is an opportunity, with the advent of Sama Lukonde, to restore DRC with the vision of the Sacred Union of the Nation to get involved to have truly broken and virtuous young people who will have to help the country to recover. In any case, the Congolese nation wins”, said Jancy Konde.

He finally noted that youth is « an essential ingredient » for the success of the mandate of Felix Tshisekedi, at the head of the African Union, before urging the Congolese youth to raise the torch as well as to take its destiny in hand and demand more freedom from its political leaders. ACP /

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