For equal treatment of Congolese workers during COVID-19

Kinshasa, May 3rd, 2021 (CPA).– Mr. Jean- Luc Kalema, trade unionist and human rights activist pleaded on Sunday in favor of equal treatment for Congolese workers during this period of economic downturn aggravated by the pandemic of COVID-19, in an interview with CPA, as part of World Labor Day celebrated on May 1st of each year.

According to Mr. Kalema, crooked employers take advantage of these hard times to protect their interests by sacrificing their employees for sometimes trivial reasons, including women who often bear the brunt of this injustice due to cultural constraints and sexist stereotypes taxing them weak and less profitable beings.

« We can witness for nothing, untimely dismissals of workers by bosses who do not hesitate to trample on national and international texts on labor legislation », he lamented, before to urge the Congolese state, weakened by the socioeconomic crisis, to make efforts to exercise its prerogatives as defender and protector of the interests and rights of citizens regardless of their gender and their functions. ACP 

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