France reaffirms its support for public administration reforms in DRC

Kinshasa, June 8th, 2021 (CPA) – The French Ambassador in DRC, François Pujolas, on Monday reaffirmed in Kinshasa his country’s support for public administration reforms in DRC, during a hearing that the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Civil Service, Jean-Pierre Lihau, granted him in his office in Gombe municipality.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Lihau, the French Ambassador in DRC indicated that this support for public administration reforms is one of the priorities of the Head of State, Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo in order to establish a good modern administration.

For him, France has been an important partner of DRC for some time in this area. It intervenes to mobilize other partners of financial institutions such as the World Bank.

He said that DRC can only move forward with a strong, solid and reformed State with a series of projects to be carried out in order to improve the social and working conditions of State agents and civil servants. .

« These include the training of senior officials which needs to be improved at the National School of Administration (ENA) which, so far, has produced good results, » he said.

The two personalities who agreed to increase this cooperation also spoke about the role and organization of ENA for the training of executives and their working conditions, while wishing its expansion in terms of continuing training.

They also expressed the wish to see ENA be provided with a functional tool in order to improve the reception relations of the Enarchs in the various ministries.

He also indicated that the French Development Agency (AFD) is committed alongside Congolese partners in the areas of financial management, improving the modernization of the tax collective, with the aim of interconnection of revenue and human resources authorities to allow the Ministry in charge of Civil Service to manage in real time, in particular, the resources of the Congolese State.

The French Ambassador in DRC congratulated the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Civil Service on his appointment at the head of this difficult but fascinating ministry.


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