Commissioning of public lighting in the city of Lwambo

Lubumbashi, July 17th, 2021 (CPA).- The governor of Haut-Katanga, Jacques Kyabula Katwe, recently commissioned public lighting in the city of Lwambo, Kambove territory 140 km from Lubumbashi.

Governor Jacques Kyabula Katwe, on this occasion, underlined the importance of electric current in the commercial and domestic fields in development, before inviting the population to protect the heritage of SNEL.

For his part, Chief Pande Pemba Moto praised the love of the population that drives the Head of State and Governor Jacques Kyabula Katwe for the development of the DRC.

The governor had at his side, the provincial energy commissioner Cécile Kalaba Mwewa, the elected provincial deputies of Kambove and the grand chief Pande Pemba Moto. ACP/

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