Widening of national road No 39 in Kolwezi

Kolwezi, July 17th, 2021 (CPA).- The vice-governor and interim governor of Lualaba, Mrs. Fifi Masuka, recently proceeded at the toll station in Lualaba to the launch of the works of widening and modernization of the national road number 39 which will be carried out by the Chinese company « SINOMINE » and whose cost and duration of the realization of this work have not been revealed.

On this occasion, Ms. Fifi Masuka vice-governor and interim governor declared herself satisfied to see her dream and her desire to modernize her province gradually become a reality.

The Honorable Pierrot Mwimbi Mwanfwe Vice-President of the Provincial Assembly of Lualaba, the provincial deputies and members of the provincial government attended this official launching ceremony of the widening and modernization of national road number 39. ACP/

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