Local polio vaccination days launched in Kananga

Kananga, June 19th, 2021 (CPA).- The interim governor of Kasai central, Tharcisse KabatusuilaMbuyamba, on Thursday launched in front of the administrative headquarters of the commune of Luong, in Kananga, the local vaccination days (JLV) for children aged 0 to 59 months against polio, the CPA learned from a medical source.

On this occasion, he invited parents to have their children vaccinated using the door-to-door strategy used for this purpose in order to protect their lives against this disease known to be deadly and which can cripple the child throughout his life. .

The central Kasai provincial authority urged providers and community leaders in this part of the country to achieve the goals by immunizing, without distinction, all children targeted by this campaign.

This campaign has targeted more than one million children across the twenty six operational health zones in the central Kasai province, it is reported. ACP/

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