Three health centers faced with a lack of materials in Nganza in Kasaï Central

Kananga, June 19th, 2021 (CPA).- The lack of delivery tables, a pediatric ward, a water well and sufficient lighting prejudices the functioning of the health centers of SalongoMuimba, KalembaMulumba and Saints Martyrs, located in the municipality of Nganza, Kananga, reveals an advocacy led by the non-governmental development organization (NGDO) « Investment Network for Integral Development (RIDI).

For Mr. Douglas Donatien NdumbiwaKalombo, chairman of the board of directors of this structure, the providers in the said health centers are failing to improve their performance to provide quality service in the face of these pitfalls.

At the social level, heads of erosion that risk engulfing the buildings of Mukoleshi 1 and Mukoleshi 2 primary schools, the lack of drinking water and clean toilets are likely to turn into a vector of hand-room diseases in the targeted establishments. , specifies the survey conducted by RIDI last May.

Ndumbiwa Kalombo added that this advocacy was in line with the execution of the USAID « Good Governance » project implemented by RIDI, the construction of new classrooms to avoid the plethora of targeted schools being essential. ACP/

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