The non-profit organization « COC » comes to the aid of the residents of a hospice for the elderly in Kananga

Kananga, August 7th, 2021 (CPA).- The structure called Club of Charitable Works (COC), a local non-profit organization recently offered food and not transferred to old people housed in the «  Kapinga Badibanga  » hospice located on the Kamuandu avenue, in the city of Kananga, on the sidelines of World Parents Day, living or dead. palm oil, mats, cups and plates. For Ms. Christine Lopongo Okoko, permanent secretary of this structure, parents abandoned at this hospice deserve better from society, their fate having to appeal to more than one. Tshibanda Tshibanda, on behalf of the unfortunate, expressed his gratitude to the benefactors, before urging other people of good will to manifest themselves in the same spirit of solidarity.The COC also intervenes in the fields of agriculture and education, it is recalled. ACP/

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