CFJKIM: Heritage crushes Les Vainqueurs (4-0) in the junior championship

Kinshasa, July 10th, 2021 (CPA).- RC Héritage crushed AS Les Vainqueurs with a score of 4-0, at the start of the week at Saint Paul field, in the town of Kimbanseke, on behalf of the 39th day of the junior championship of the Kimbanseke Youth Football Club (CFJKIM).

In the second match, FC Lipamboli edged out AS Matele Sport by a score of 2-0. For their part, AC Victoire de Kingasani lost to AC Don Guylain by a score of 1-0. At CETA (Airborne Troop Training Center), in the commune of N’sele, AC Mikonga got rid of FC Marcil de Talang with a score of 3-1.

The other results of the 39th day are: field ANAPECO (National Association of Parents of Congo), in Kimbanseke: Mande Sport-Kimbanseke 1-1, Mata Sport-Les Racines 1-0. ACP/

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