Death in Kinshasa of CT Rigobert Mbila N’dakambo, co-founder of the « Wassa » group

Kinshasa, June 19th, 2021 (CPA).- The CT Rigobert Mbila N’dakambo of the National Institute of the Arts (INA), in the music section, specifically in the department against bass, ethics and musical deontology, and co-founder of the renowned orchestra « Wassa » died on Wednesday after a short illness, the CPA learned on Friday from sources close to this higher education establishment in Kinshasa.

According to the testimony of one of his fellow teachers, CT Jean Romain Muluengo, INA and the Congolese musical world has just lost a great figure who served the nation in calm and discretion, through the supervision of many renowned musicians like « MG30 », « Cyndie Le cœur », within the Wassa orchestra.

Rigobert Mbila was also president of the structure called “Un musique pour tous”, working for musical development, whose main missions are for education and help in the emergence of young talents.

This cultural operator, also known as the dean of INA alumni, also holds a DA degree in philosophy,

from the Catholic University of the Congo (UCC), in addition to his graduate degree in music. The remains of the illustrious disappeared were kept in the morgue of the Kokolo Referral Hospital in Bandalungwa commune. ACP/

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