An incipient erosion threatens to cut the national road no1 from the municipality of N’sele

Kinshasa, July 10th, 2021 (CPA).– The national road no1 is threatened with cut by an erosion which started in the surroundings of the river avenue, which joins the Lumumba boulevard in the Ngapama district, in the commune of N ‘ sele, found the CPA on the spot on Friday.

This erosion, which has already washed away residential houses and other infrastructures of community interest on its route, is progressing towards Boulevard Lumumba, with the possibility of removing the roadway, and causing the disruption of traffic and supply of the road. city ​​of Kinshasa in food products from the former province of Bandundu.

If the consequent arrangements are not made in time, the rehabilitation of this road will require a lot of funds. It will only take rain on the city of Kinshasa for this erosion to progress rapidly, until it touches the road and cut it in two. The populations living in the commune of N’sele and beyond as well as the traders who use the national n ° 1, launch cries of distress at the place of the authorities so that a solution before the arrival of the season of rain. ACP/

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