Signature of a decree on the banking services of land and real estate transactions in the DRC

Kinshasa, June 5th, 2021 (CPA).- The ministers of land affairs, Aimé Sakombi Molendo, and that of Finance, Nicolas Kazadi Kadima, signed on Thursday at the work of the Minister of Finance, in the town of Gombe, a interministerial decree on the banking of land and real estate transactions throughout the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Speaking to the press at the end of the meeting, Minister Aimé Sakombi stressed that the initiative for signing this interministerial decree was motivated by the Government’s desire to maximize State revenues, in particular by a better capture of proportional registration fees and mortgage loans. »The interministerial decree entered into force on Thursday, June 3, 2021 applies to the entire extent of the DRC, with regard to the transfer operations of real estate titles and mortgage loans granted by banks and other credit institutions », he said.

He also pointed out that this decree applies, without prejudice to the legal and regulatory provisions in the matter, to all transfers made by legal and natural persons of Congolese or foreign nationality, provided that the price of the land or real estate is equal to or greater than the equivalent in Congolese Franc of 10,000 USD (ten thousand US dollars), according to the official rate in force at the time of the transaction. ACP/

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