A training workshop on educational and vocational guidance was held in Bulungu

Kikwit, May 29th, 2021 (CPA).- A training workshop on educational and vocational guidance was held in Bulungu for principals of the educational sub-division of Bulungu 1. According to Mrs. Georgette Molo Manzeka, head of the said sub-division which delivered this information to the CPA, which was led by Mr. Matthieu Muyimi, head of the OSP cell in the educational province of Kwilu 2, had the objective of enabling school principals help students to make the right choice of options from their high school education.

These choices depend on the abilities of each student from the 7th and 8th grade classes, underlined for his part Matthieu Muyimi who insisted that these students must give the best of themselves in order to serve the Congolese nation well, in the future. In this regard, he demanded from guidance counselors a meticulous study of each pupil, discovering his potentialities and others, as well as the needs of the environment in which he lives.

To succeed in good educational and vocational guidance, he continued, school heads must collaborate with other education officials, including parents, while putting the child at the center of everything. Finally, he handed in the files relating to the PSO to 250 heads of establishments who participated in this workshop. After the Bulungu Educational Sub-division 1, the head of the PSO will continue his mission in other EPST sub-divisions in Bulungu territory. ACP/Fng/nig

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