Activists and sympathizers of the ACTE political party invited to unity and solidarity

Bandundu, June 5th, 2021 (CPA).- The national president of the political party « 

Congolese action for tolerance and equality (ACTE) « , Michel Balabala Kasongo, urged the activists and sympathizers of this training politics last Saturday, to unity, solidarity and tolerance, during the political morning, organized in the city of Bandundu, capital of the province of Kwilu.  This political demonstration marking the five years of existence of the ACT, created on May 30, 2016, was attended by the executives of this political party from different territories of this province and from the town of Kikwit as well as other political parties on foot of work in this urban entity and embellished by orchestras of the place. Balabala thus called on all members of his party to awareness and resistance, in order to perpetuate the actions of the party, before introducing to the audience a new member in the person of the honorary national deputy, Iyemvela Eminga In addition, MM. Willy Badibanga and provincial deputy Alain Lwena were respectively elevated to the rank of national vice-president of the party and under federal of the city of Bandundu. The presentation of the trophy to the national president of ACTE by the NGO « Ebale Mozindo » marked the end of the festivities. ACP/

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