Imminent arrival of assistance from the Presidency of the Republic to the victims of Goma

Goma, June 5th, 2021 (CPA).- The Special Advisor to the Head of State in charge of universal health coverage and coordinator of the Task Force to fight Covid-19, Dr Roger Kamba, announced the imminent arrival in Goma of assistance from the Presidency of the Republic to the victims of Goma aboard the three cargo planes, via Kavumu airport in South Kivu, during a hearing that the military governor, Constant Ndima Kongba, told him granted Friday to the governorate in Goma. Dr. Roger Kamba, who is at the head of a delegation that conveys to Goma this consistent assistance intended for the victims of the recent eruption of the Nyiragongo volcano, reassured that his delegation is in Goma on the orders of the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi, to assess the needs of the affected population. « We are here on the order of the President of the Republic who asked us to come and do essentially two things: assess the humanitarian situation of our population and provide aid (…) in particular three cargo ships which are due to arrive and including the one must land at Kavumu Airport”, indicated Dr. Roger Kamba, before specifying that this gesture of heart from the Head of State meets the needs expressed by the provincial authorities. Health needs, housing needs as well as food needs are the axes targeted by this assistance granted by the President of the Republic who, immediately informed of the eruption of Nyiragongo had immediately interrupted his stay abroad where he was at the time of the disaster. According to the Advisor to the Head of State, the President’s assistance is further proof that the people of Goma are not alone, the entire country being mobilized in the face of this unexpected situation. The President of the Republic’s concern is that the inhabitants of Goma be assisted in the best possible conditions until they return to their natural habitat. In addition to the special advisor to the Head of State in charge of universal health coverage and coordinator of the Task Force to fight against the coronavirus, this delegation has in its midst, Major General Kangudia, physician director of the city clinic. of the OAU. ACP/

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