Towards a fruitful collaboration between VPM Eve Bazaïba and environmental civil society

Kinshasa, June 3th, 2021 (CPA).- The Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ms. Eve Bazaïba Masudi received, on Wednesday in her office, a delegation of leaders of environmental civil society platforms who came to congratulate her on her elevation in her current position.

The head of the environmental civil society delegation, Rene Ngongo, at the end of this first contact meeting, declared that the elevation of the Ministry in charge of Environment to the level of Deputy Prime Minister is a response from the President of the Republic, Felix Antoine Tshilombo, to the advocacy of environmental civil society actors who have long campaigned in this direction because of cross-cutting issues affecting the environment.

These are questions relating to mining, agriculture, energy and hydrocarbons which have a real impact on the environment.

He also noted that VPM Bazaïba expressed the wish to see the establishment of a permanent consultation framework bringing together all the organizations in its sector represented in all the provinces of DRC around it for the feedback of information in real time on the situation prevailing on the national territory.

« We have reviewed the various environmental challenges in the country and we are happy to note that in a very short time, she shared with us her vision which emerges in the current government program », suggested Rene Ngongo.

According to Mr. Ngongo, « a fruitful collaboration » will extend over the long term to accompany it as it has been in the past with these predecessors.

Mr. Ngongo stressed that his corporation will make available to the Deputy Prime Minister all the expertise gathered within environmental civil society for not only the survival of local communities and indigenous peoples, but also to support the government in this process reform. ACP / Zng / GGK

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