Fire of 43 huts in Mukumbi in Kasai Oriental

Mbuji-Mayi, May 29th, 2021 (CPA).- Members of the Kasai Oriental provincial government condemned the fire that occurred in more than forty huts in the village of Bakwa Nsakalongo, a locality of the Bakwa Nsumpi group in the sector of Mukumbi, Lupatapata territory.

It was during the ordinary council of provincial ministers chaired in Mbuji-Mayi by Ms. Jeannette Longa Muswamba, interim governor of this part of the DRC. The provincial minister of the interior, spokesman for the provincial government, Lazare Tshipinda Kasonga specified in the report, that this disaster declared on the night of May 19, is the consequence of a conflict of customary power opposing MM. Mutoba, contender for the title and Diyombo, chief of this locality currently assuming the interim of this base entity.

The consequent security arrangements, he said, have been set in motion to restore the disturbed public order and restore the violated state authority. Members of the governmentl, he added, were also seized of the violence recorded on May 14 in the village of Bena Kalonji-a-Ngandu in the Bakwa Ntombolo grouping in the territory of Kabeya Kamwanga where the supporters of chief Mupompa Mubalamata, led by Bukasa alias Chinese and those of chief Kalonji Kana clashed, competing for the leadership of this region. A squadron of police officers was dispatched to restore order, and follow-up was required to clear administrative, disciplinary and criminal responsibilities, he said. ACP/Fng/nig

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